Arizona Republic

/Tag:Arizona Republic

What’s Community Paramedicine?

By | September 3rd, 2013|General|

Community paramedicine is a paradigm shift for the use of paramedics in the US.  It’s an emerging model in which paramedics function outside their usual emergency response & transport roles- delving into the world of primary care.  As the health care world increasingly shifts toward prevention and well care- the system will increasingly demand more folks [...]

Troubled Teens: At Risk and Not Overlooked

By | February 19th, 2013|Behavioral Health, General, Licensing|

Our Vision at the Arizona Department of Health Services is ”Health and Wellness for all Arizonans”. Part of that Vision for folks living with behavioral health issues or a mental illness means achieving and maintaining self-reliance and independence.  To get there, some individuals simply need outpatient services occasionally.  Some need wrap-around community or home-based services. [...]

Dispatch Interventions

By | June 25th, 2012|Prevention|

About a year ago Ben Bobrow, MD (our EMS Medical Director) came into my office with a great idea to set up a program to train 911 dispatchers in better ways to coach callers through CPR instructions so callers can do a better job before the paramedics get there.  The problem was money.  So I sent him [...]

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