

Coordinated Action to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance

By | August 5th, 2015|General, Prevention|

Inappropriate use of antibiotics can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can cause devastating infections and death in people. However, if actions and interventions are implemented now, we can rewrite this story of resistance. According to the CDC, preventing these infections and improving antibiotic prescribing could save 37,000 lives from drug resistant infections over 5 years. By reducing [...]

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Pregnancy & Group B Strep

By | July 24th, 2013|Prevention|

Decisions about what to do to protect babies born at home from Group B Streptococcus caused quite a stir as we were developing our final regulations for the practice of Midwifery in AZ.  Group B Streptococcus bacteria are commonly found in healthy women.  In fact, about 25% carry the bacteria.  It doesn’t cause much of [...]

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

By | November 15th, 2011|General, Prevention|

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is the most serious tickborne disease in the US. AZ has recorded 38 cases so far this year compared to 17 in all of 2010. Most of the cases are in the eastern part of the state.  The disease’s symptoms include a nasty “spotted” rash that usually starts 2-5 days after a fever starts.  Early [...]