AMR Maricopa

/Tag:AMR Maricopa

New Ambulance Company Approved to Operate in Maricopa County

By | February 25th, 2015|Preparedness|

A few weeks ago I approved American Medical Response’s (AMR Maricopa) application to operate ambulances in Maricopa County, called a Certificate of Necessity or CON.  While I approved the CON (after reviewing a host of evidence presented to an Administrative Law Judge and her Order) I didn’t actually issue the Certificate because of the administrative [...]

AMR Certificate of Necessity

By | February 17th, 2015|General|

You might recall that a few weeks ago I approved American Medical Response’s (AMR Maricopa) application to operate ambulances in Maricopa County (called a Certificate of Necessity or CON). I approved the Certificate of Necessity after reviewing a host of evidence presented to an Administrative Law Judge and her Order recommending approval.  Approval of the [...]

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