amend child care rules

/Tag:amend child care rules

Small Childcare Group Home Rules

By | June 9th, 2011|Licensing|

We successfully overhauled our operating rules for Child Care Facilities last year, and now we’re well on our way toward doing the same for the smaller child care homes.  We’ve published our Draft Rules for public comment on our rules website, and we’re asking folks to provide input before we finalize the rules.  After reviewing [...]

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Updating AZ Childcare Center Standards

By | June 15th, 2010|Licensing|

You probably remember how we shifted from general funds to fee-based inspection programs.  The most controversial fee increase was for child care facilities, as the costs of inspecting child care facilities had been almost entirely subsidized by the state’s general fund.  In the end, we found a way to use alternative funding sources to provide [...]

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