ADHS strategic plan

/Tag:ADHS strategic plan

Healthy People Building Healthy Communities Across Arizona

By | August 20th, 2015|General|

The Arizona Health Improvement Plan (AzHIP) Steering Committee, an advisory group of 20 statewide leaders (which I'm fortunate to co-chair), met last week to discuss progress on the working draft for the AzHIP and Arizona's leading health priorities. As a refresher, the purpose of the Arizona Health Improvement Plan is to move the dial on important [...]

Long-Term Care Infection Prevention and Control Collaborative

By | July 18th, 2014|Licensing, Prevention|

Our Licensing, Preparedness and Healthcare-Associated Infections shops joined forces with APIC Consulting Inc. to provide a free day-long event to provide training to skilled nursing facilities about how to prevent  healthcare-associated infections.  The training will be based on the Infection Preventionist's Guide to Long-Term Care. The goals are to help healthcare providers to:  1) identify infection prevention [...]

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Driving Suicides to Zero

By | April 10th, 2013|Behavioral Health|

Medical providers (doctors, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, etc.) are invited to join Magellan for their Driving Suicides to Zero training Monday, April 29 from 9 to 11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m.  The goal of the training is to help reduce the suicide rate by providing behavioral healthcare professionals with the skills, knowledge, attitudes [...]

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Reports, Reports, Reports

By | January 24th, 2012|General|

Various state laws direct our agency to put together a series of reports every year.  Some of the reports are annual, some every 2 years, and some don’t exactly say how often we’re supposed to publish.  We list each of the reports on our Agency Reports web page.  Curious about what some of them are?  [...]

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Looking Forward, 2012

By | January 3rd, 2012|General|

Looking forward, 2012 is going to be another busy year for all of us.  During the last Deputy/Assistant Director meeting, managers shared the biggest priorities for the next six months and I will share a few of the highlights throughout this week in our blog.     One key focus that echoed throughout everyone’s summary was an [...]