Empowering Opportunity

By | February 4th, 2013|General|

The Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council just released a grant opportunity for folks that would like to get info out to folks with developmental disabilities, their families, caregivers, professionals empowering persons with developmental disabilities and their families.  The goal is to provide easy to understand and practical information out that promotes informed decision making when [...]

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Dr. Jack

By | March 5th, 2012|General, Prevention|

I had the delightful experience of meeting with our former Director, Jack Dillenberg, at our AZ Developmental Disabilities Planning Council meeting last month.  Our Council meeting was out at AT Still University’s AZ School of Dentistry & Oral Health.  It was great seeing Jack again- he hasn't changed a bit- he's just as enthusiastic and animated as ever. Most of [...]

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Helping Folks with Disabilities

By | November 9th, 2011|General|

Part of my job as the Director is to be the Chair of the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council- which expands resources through planning for folks with developmental disabilities and their families.  The Council advocates for folks of all ages to achieve the highest possible level of independence while being included in the life of the surrounding community.  We rolled out our new Five [...]

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