
AZ’s 911 Telephone-Assisted CPR Initiative Goes Global

By | April 12th, 2013|General|

If you’re a regular reader, you know how much value I place on using data to decide if interventions are successful and then sharing successful interventions with others. The way we helped change to hands-only CPR is a great example. We used evidence to craft our intervention (modifying how CPR is done), measured its effectiveness, and [...]

Dispatch Interventions

By | June 25th, 2012|Prevention|

About a year ago Ben Bobrow, MD (our EMS Medical Director) came into my office with a great idea to set up a program to train 911 dispatchers in better ways to coach callers through CPR instructions so callers can do a better job before the paramedics get there.  The problem was money.  So I sent him [...]

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