2011 Arizona Vigilant Guard Exercise

/Tag:2011 Arizona Vigilant Guard Exercise

Vigilant Guard Epilog

By | November 16th, 2011|General|

That largest exercise in Arizona history wrapped up last weekend, but now the work begins.  Vigilant Guard featured a pseudo tropical storm, flooding and a nuclear bomb blast in downtown Phoenix.  Arizona cities, counties, state and federal agencies participated in the exercise - testing emergency and evacuation plans, as well plans to transport and prioritize [...]

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Our Biggest Exercise Ever

By | October 3rd, 2011|Preparedness|

We’re partnering with the AZ Division of Emergency Management to conduct the biggest preparedness exercise ever to be held in Arizona.  It’s called the 2011 Arizona ”Vigilant Guard” Exercise.  It’ll involve around 5,000 folks from various backgrounds including emergency management, public health, health care, law enforcement, fire, military, and the private sector.  The exercise will be [...]

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