The Arizona WIC Program is airing outreach ads in border counties, to ensure WIC clients know about the availability of WIC services in their communities. Several local WIC agencies in the border region are undertaking special actions to promote WIC along with making healthy eating and active living the easy choice in their communities.
The Mariposa WIC Program is a key partner in the Harvesting Well-being Initiative. The idea is to build a local food system in Santa Cruz County so that everyone has access to healthy food. The Mariposa WIC Program has been integral to the development of the Nogales Mercado, a new Farmers’ Market that just celebrated its six month anniversary.
The Cochise County Health Department is working with the Naco Wellness Initiative, a non-profit organization working with both US and Mexican professionals, volunteers, and community members. Their mission is to model health and wellness with people living in the rural and very poor communities near Naco in Arizona and Sonora. The Cochise County WIC Program is specifically working to refer obstetrical patients who are Arizona residents and may qualify for WIC services.