Over the past two years, folks in ITS and Epidemiology and Disease Control have been working together to enhance our state’s electronic communicable disease surveillance system called MEDSIS. This week the new version of MEDSIS went live. Major enhancements include the integration of tuberculosis reporting, case management and surveillance; expanded case management capabilities for all diseases; and additional functionality to better meet the needs of all users. This system isn’t just used by ADHS staff- it’s used by folks across the healthcare system.
All 15 county health departments and four tribal public health organizations use MEDSIS to monitor cases of infectious disease and manage their case investigations; infection preventionists at hospitals enter infectious disease cases to satisfy our requirements for reporting selected infectious diseases; and laboratories electronically report positive test results directly into the system. There’s even a Spanish version of MEDSIS to allow us to share bi-national cases with our counterparts in Sonora to improve public health on both sides of the border. Thanks to all of those involved in making MEDSIS a success including Raghu Ramaswamy, Ravikumar Pitti, Sara Imholte, Lloyd Kalicki, Srinivasa Venkatesan, Paula Mattingly, Michael Conklin, Javed Mukarram, Arup Sinha, Teresa Jue, Jessica Rigler, and Shoana Anderson.