Minority populations often have poorer health outcomes than non-minority populations… but our new Power Me A2Z is doing something to change that. Power Me A2Z empowers women to take steps to promote good health for their families and their future children. It offers women a free 90-day supply of vitamins with folic acid and tools to help women be healthy.
All women need folic acid in their bodies before they get pregnant to help prevent birth defects. Plus it acts as a beauty aid to make hair shine, nails grown, and skin glow. Power Me A2Z is a perfect example of uniting our communities by empowering women to take charge of their health and advancing health equity for current and future generations. Visit the Power Me A2Z website to learn more about this exciting program.
Chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer and stroke—are the leading causes of death in the United States. Thirty-eight percent of women suffer from one or more chronic diseases, compared to 30 percent of men.
Encourage programs and awareness cam
-paigns to educate women about early detection of breast cancer. Consider support for prevention programs, such as the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer and Early Detection Program, to provide access to preventive screening.
Healthy mothers have healthier babies. Appropriate maternal and reproductive health services save money by averting more costly health problems down the road.Establish or encourage peer education and breastfeeding support programs for new mothers
Folic acid is very important for infant development , protein synthesis in the body , found in functions such as fulfilling all the duties of cell proliferation and bone marrow.
Fetal growth and development is a period characterized by rapid cell division . Because of the critical role of DNA and RNA production , adequate folic acid intake during this period is extremely important .
Research , an adequate amount of folic acid intake during pregnancy of central nervous system abnormalities in infants ( injuries ) shows the incidence is significantly reduced . the central nervous system abnormalities , called neural tube defects can occur in different ways and degrees. The simplest form of spina bifida in which there is a small opening in the spine does not develop the baby’s skull and the brain is the most advanced form of anencephaly .