

Items in the Preparedness category will cover everything from Emergency Medical Services to vaccination programs. This division at ADHS tracks contagious disease, coordinates emergency preparedness activity, licenses EMTs and Paramedics, regulates ambulance companies, authorizes special hospital designations like cardiac care center and Level IV trauma center, issues birth and death certificates, and tracks critical health data through various sources including hospital discharge information.

Influenza Widespread in AZ

By | March 21st, 2012|Preparedness, Prevention|

During the 2009- 2010 influenza pandemic, we saw how influenza can be unpredictable in terms of who it affects most, when it occurs, and what strains will circulate. This season is no exception. While the circulating strains are exactly what we had predicted, the peak of the flu season is hitting later than usual… and [...]

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Influenza Wave Coming Ashore

By | March 9th, 2012|Preparedness, Prevention|

It took longer than usual- but Influenza is finally circulating in AZ- and we’ve moved to the “Regional” flu category now (Regional is sort of the middle of the scale).  The circulating strains in AZ (confirmed by our lab) are covered by this year’s vaccine- mostly our old friend the 2009 H1N1 virus and the familiar H3N2 [...]

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AZ Trauma System a Model for South Korea

By | March 6th, 2012|Preparedness|

We had the pleasure of meeting with a delegation of health officials from the Republic of Korea (South Korea) this week to talk about Arizona’s Trauma System.  The Director General of Public Health policy (Byung Guk Yang, MD) and his team met with our Emergency Medical Services and Trauma System team to talk about how we [...]

19 Kids to Miss a Month of School

By | February 15th, 2012|Preparedness, Prevention|

A 4th grader in Gilbert was diagnosed with the mumps last week. Had all the staff and faculty in the school been previously vaccinated for the mumps at the school- it really would’ve been no big deal. But, it turns out that 19 kids at the school hadn’t been vaccinated for the mumps (mainly because [...]

Public Health Preparedness Milestone

By | February 7th, 2012|Preparedness|

Back in 2008 we set the ambitious goal of becoming a “Public Health Ready” state- and we’ve worked hard over the last 3 years or so to accomplish our goal.  We made it last month- and Arizona became one of only a couple of states to have all county health departments recognized by Project Public [...]

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EMS Overdrive

By | February 3rd, 2012|General, Preparedness|

This month has been a doozy for our Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma System team.  This week we finished the 2nd of 2 high-profile and important decisions.  A couple of weeks ago I made a decision to let Yuma City take over part of the ambulance response in that town.  I thought the city [...]

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Build Your Inventory of Emergency Response Skills

By | January 26th, 2012|General, Preparedness|

Maricopa County Department of Public Health’s Office of Preparedness and Response is conducting a full-scale emergency preparedness exercise that will test the strength and completeness of County and City plans during a simulated Anthrax attack.   Pre-registered volunteers will drive their cars through the site as simulated medications are dispensed. We anticipate each driver will make several [...]

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Update

By | January 19th, 2012|Licensing, Preparedness|

  With the recent ruling in Maricopa Superior Court, ADHS is analyzing the best way to responsibly begin accepting applications for medical marijuana dispensaries. Last week, the Governor instructed ADHS to proceed with the dispensary portion of the AMMA. One of the stumbling blocks was the pending Compassion First vs. Arizona case, which challenged some [...]

Keeping Families Together in Emergencies

By | January 18th, 2012|Preparedness|

Families often get split up when there is an emergency– but they shouldn’t have to split up at a shelter.  ADHS, along with the Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council and other partners, found a way to reduce that problem.  Using CDC grant funds, we purchased special equipment that will let people with functional needs stay [...]

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New Debilitating Medical Condition Applications

By | January 17th, 2012|Licensing, Preparedness|

The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (36-2801.01) directs us to accept and review applications to add new debilitating medical conditions that qualify folks to hold patient registration cards.  We outlined the requirements and review procedures in the Rules we adopted (R9-17-106)- which say that we’ll accept applications every January and July.  We’re planning to accept applications during the last [...]