

Items in the Preparedness category will cover everything from Emergency Medical Services to vaccination programs. This division at ADHS tracks contagious disease, coordinates emergency preparedness activity, licenses EMTs and Paramedics, regulates ambulance companies, authorizes special hospital designations like cardiac care center and Level IV trauma center, issues birth and death certificates, and tracks critical health data through various sources including hospital discharge information.

Don’t Invite Foodborne Illness to Your Memorial Day Gathering

By | May 30th, 2016|Preparedness|

Many Arizonans will mark the Memorial Day holiday by inviting friends and family to share a meal and enjoy the outdoors. One “guest” you don’t want to invite, however, is a foodborne illness. Before you warm up the grill or pack the picnic basket, keep these food safety tips in mind to ensure the food [...]

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Confirmed Measles Cases in Arizona

By | May 27th, 2016|Preparedness|

Arizona has confirmed two cases of measles associated with an Eloy Detention Center this week. Measles is one of the most communicable diseases there is- 90% of non-immune people exposed to measles will get the disease . It’s a viral disease of the upper respiratory system that is spread in the air and through droplet [...]

National Healthy and Safe Swimming Week

By | May 26th, 2016|Preparedness|

For the 12th year in a row, the week before Memorial Day has been designated as National Healthy and Safe Swimming Week. This week is dedicated to focusing on simple steps swimmers can take to help ensure a healthy and safe swimming experience. While most people know they can get sick from eating or drinking contaminated [...]

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Arizona’s Zika Action Plan Summit is in the books!

By | May 25th, 2016|Preparedness|

Yesterday, we hosted our Arizona Zika Action Plan Summit in Phoenix. Nearly 350 partners from across Arizona – public and environmental health departments, healthcare providers and organizations, key state and local agencies, elected officials, public health colleagues from the Ministry of Health in Sonora, and many, many other critical prevention and response partners – attended [...]

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Improving Timeliness of Infectious Disease Reporting in Arizona

By | May 24th, 2016|Preparedness|

Arizona laboratories are required to report certain infectious disease test results to public health so that our state and local disease investigators can prevent and control further spread of disease. Many labs do this by faxing or mailing paper to ADHS. Our informatics staff in the Office of Infectious Disease Services are transitioning these labs [...]

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May 19th National Hepatitis Testing Day

By | May 19th, 2016|Preparedness|

According to new surveillance data from the CDC, almost 20,000 deaths in 2014 were associated with hepatitis C and an increasing number of Americans are developing and dying from liver cancer, which can be caused by hepatitis. A second recently published CDC study shows that hepatitis C related deaths in 2013 surpassed the total combined [...]

A New Tick-borne Disease on the Horizon in Arizona

By | May 17th, 2016|Preparedness|

In the last two years, the tick-borne disease Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis (R. parkeri) has been identified in two Arizona residents. Both were bitten by ticks in the mountainous regions of Southern Arizona. Only 40 cases of R. parkeri have been reported in the United States since the disease was first recognized in 2004. The tick responsible for the Arizona cases [...]

Healthy Swimming Poster Contest

By | May 16th, 2016|Preparedness|

It’s starting to get hot in Arizona, and that means people are heading into the water. Swimming is a great way to put a little play into your day during the summer. However, it is important to be aware that recreational water illnesses can occur even in water that appears to be clean . To increase kids’ awareness [...]

We are Celebrating Trauma Awareness Month in May

By | May 10th, 2016|Preparedness|

May is National Trauma Awareness Month and the perfect time to highlight the real improvements made possible by our dedicated trauma stakeholders. It’s also an ideal time to discuss the continuing impact of falls in our elderly community. This year’s Trauma Awareness Month theme is “Safe Steps for Seniors," focusing on preventing falls in seniors. [...]

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