
I am so excited to release the NEW Online Annual Report for the Arizona Department of Health Services for Fiscal Year 2016, showcasing the major activities we have been able to accomplish in the past fiscal year.

Through this report, we highlight the many ways ADHS helped improve the lives of all Arizonans in 2015-16 by:

  • Controlling epidemics,
  • Educating people on healthy habits, such as nutritious eating and getting physical activity,
  • Assisting people with tobacco cessation and disease self-management,
  • Ensuring safe food and water,
  • Testing virtually all newborns for metabolic disorders,
  • Improving access to physical and behavioral health care,
  • Responding to public health emergencies, and
  • Monitoring hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers, ambulances, child care centers and other licensed facilities and professionals.
The Department is committed to the health and wellness of all Arizonans and provides public health services throughout our citizens’ entire lifecycle . In 2016, the Department finalized administrative rules aimed at reducing regulatory burden, applied for public health accreditation, completed the first comprehensive statewide health improvement plan, and provided high quality psychiatric care at the Arizona State Hospital for the state’s most vulnerable patients.

I hope you enjoy the new annual report format. The new layout showcases our many accomplishments, programs and activities in a comprehensive, dynamic and easy to understand format. I want to give special thanks to Holly Ward, Shannon Whiteaker, and Colby Bower for coordinating the report and huge kudos to the digital media team, Jennifer Tweedy, Jesse Lewis, Joel Sigel, Gannon Wegner, and Kirsten Hushagen for the phenomenal and quick development of the website. Thanks to all of you who worked on it and provided information – this major accomplishment was definitely a team effort! Way to go everyone!