A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that Dr. David Lakey, this year’s President of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials has selected the Healthy Babies Project for his national initiative- challenging each state to implement strategies to reduce prematurity and infant mortality based on successful national, regional, and state efforts to improve the health status of babies. We’ll be working alongside our partner states over the coming months to help carry some water. We started on our trek this week.
We’ll be working with the Arizona Perinatal Trust and our local AZ March of Dimes to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce prematurity like: 1) Expanding home visiting programs to families and pregnant women in high-risk communities; 2) Developing standards for home visiting programs throughout Arizona and professional development of home visitors so that home visits maximize opportunities to reduce risks for premature birth; 3) Expanding awareness of importance of preconception health and implementation of the Arizona Preconception Health Strategic Plan; 4) Continuing to support the March of Dimes “Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait” 39 Week Toolkit; 5) Renew focus on infant safe sleeping practices to reduce post-neonatal infant mortality; and 6) Use social media and public relations events to promote the overall campaign.