Just in time for the holidays, we’re got our first lab confirmed case of influenza – actually two cases. Influenza has probably been in the state for a while now, but we don’t officially start counting the cases until there is a case confirmed at our lab. The vaccine was approved this summer and fights 3 different types of flu. If you’re out holiday shopping, you might want to think about giving yourself a gift… a flu vaccine could help you have a flu-free holiday! For information about where to find a flu shot, visit http://stopthespreadaz.org.
Another key to prevent the spread of influenza and other diseases is washing your hands with soap – or if you can’t do that, use hand sanitizer. Covering your cough and sneeze will also help keep germs from spreading. When you are sick, stay home and keep your kids home from school when they are sick. There’s more specific information for schools, parents and healthcare professionals on our flu website.
Don’t risk spreading the flu! If you are sick stay home. Most employers don’t want their whole office coming down with the flu.
Even though the winter is not here yet: When you are sick, stay home. Better to stay one day home, then the whole office is sick.